Justice Begins Here

California special education attorney Daniel Shaw

Firm News

New Report Says Programs and Services for Children With Disabilities Should Coordinate Care Across Service Sectors, Focus on Long-Term Goals

“Service fragmentation places a heavy burden on families of children with disabilities who need access to and coordination of high-quality services,” said committee chair Amy Houtrow, associate professor of physical medicine and rehabilitation and pediatrics at University of Pittsburgh, and vice chair of physical medicine and rehabilitation and chief of the Division of Pediatric Rehabilitation Medicine at Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh.  “Even the most well-resourced and organized families indicate how daunting it is to navigate the various service sectors to ensure that their children get the care they need to thrive.  As a society, we invest a lot in children and youth, and we should make sure those investments also enable children with disabilities to reach their full potential.  We hope that the committee’s efforts to highlight the ample opportunities to improve programs and services will help inform future policy to advance service delivery for all with disabilities and their families.”


Download the report at www.nationalacademies.org/ChildrenwithDisabilities
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